Press Release: The Danos Group Start 20 Days Of Challenges To Raise Money & Awareness For LTSB
Today we are launching the “Danos Group 2022 Challenge for Charity” with the aim to raise awareness and funds for the Leadership Through Sport & Business (LTSB) social mobility charity – a charity that prepares and supports bright young people from disadvantaged backgrounds into meaningful roles within Business and Finance, and Digital / Technology.
Since 2021 we have partnered with the charity to raise funds, provide practical career advice, guidance and mentoring of the LTSB young people, and we use our social media channels to increase awareness of the LTSB apprenticeship schemes to our clients and networks to increase the hiring of young people.
“We see first-hand what a difference LTSB makes on bright young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. LTSB is a spring-board for these young people, and we are only too happy to utilise our recruitment skills and experience by giving these people our time and expertise to guide and mentor them.”
“As a recruitment company we can actively influence the inflow of under-represented groups into the sectors we service, thereby helping to advance the diversity and inclusion agenda. It is important that we address the under-representation of minority groups and ensure professional careers are appealing to the next generation.”
Katherine Lord, Partner, Danos Group.
On the 22nd February 2022 the Danos Group launch the “Danos Group 2022 Challenge for Charity”. For the next 20 days the Danos global team will be taking part in 20 challenges, with a 22 theme, including 22 mile cycle, 2.2 mile run, 22 minutes of meditation, and 22 acts of kindness.
Follow their progress on LinkedIn or Twitter. They will be raising money for the Leadership Through Sport & Business charity if you would like to donate visit