Day 16 to Day 20 (the final) of the “Danos 2020 Challenge for Charity”
We have been inspired by The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge who launched Our Frontline (a helpline uniting mental health charities in the support for those working on the frontline against coronavirus).
The Danos team will be completing 20 challenges for 20 days, to raise as much money for Mind, who are one of the charities uniting for Our Frontline.
Follow our daily progress on LinkedIn and if possible please show your support for the cause by donating at –
Thank You
If you want to follow our early progress:
Day 20 (the final!) – Global Team Triathlon
It is the final day of the Danos 2020 Challenge for Charity, we took on the task of doing 20 Challenges in 20 Days, to raise money for Mind.
Six teams from around the globe competed in a Triathlon with a difference. Each team had to complete a 20 Minute Cycle, 2.0 km Run, and 200 Jumping Jacks, the times were then added together and verified, and the team with the quickest time won….
Congratulations Denis Spearman, Isabel Anchebe, and Jordan Locke, who came first place in the Global Team Triathlon.

Day 19 – 20 Minutes Boxing
The gloves are on today for the challenge – 20 Minutes Boxing.

Day 18 – 20 Pictures Of The Day
For the days challenge, the Danos team took 20 Pictures that reflected their day. There definitely seemed to be a lot of food!

Day 17 – 20 Minute FaceTime With A Loved One
It is important that during these restricted socialising times, that we keep in contact with loved ones, friends, clients and candidates. For today’s Challenge for Charity the Danos Team have spent some quality time with their families, albeit remotely!
Staying connected can help your mental health and will also brighten up the day for others – Just look at the joy this challenge has created.

Day 16 – 2.0 Meter Lego Tower
For today’s challenge the wider Danos family was enrolled to help build the 2.0 Meter Lego Towers – Very impressive.