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Pride Month – D&I Hiring Strategies

Pride Month is about celebrating the LGBTQ+ Community but also raising awareness of past and current inequalities. The LGBTQ+ community still face inequality and discrimination in the workplace every day. Consider these statistics:

– Nearly one in ten LGBTQ+ employees have left a job because the environment was unwelcoming.

– More than 25% of transgender people who held or applied for a job in the last year reported being fired, not hired, or denied a promotion because of their gender identity.

Promotion of D&I hiring strategies is a way to combat these inequalities. Plus, firms with greater diversity are more likely to experience 36% above-average profitability.

As a recruitment firm we realise we can actively influence the inflow of under-represented groups into the sectors we service, thereby helping to advance the D&I (Diversity & Inclusion) agenda.

Please contact us today for more information on D&I hiring strategies and support, email: